Posted by: Matt and Jenna | November 25, 2008

We’re home…

We arrived home yesterday afternoon and everything is going great!  Eli loves to eat and is instantly comforted by his Mom’s touch, he seems to love sleeping on his Dad’s chest, and told me last night he’s ready to go build a fort in the backyard.  🙂  We’ve truly been blessed with an amazing little boy!

Backtracking a little bit, here’s the story…
Saturday we were downtown having lunch with my folks and Jenna’s Mom.  All through the morning Jenna had been having contractions, but since they weren’t less than 5 minutes apart she was writing them off, although they were pretty intense.  After lunch the contractions continued to come and the Mom’s convinced her to call.  At 4PM we checked into the hospital.  A hour or so later the doctor confirmed – we’re in labor!  Slowly but surely the contractions grew closer and stronger, but Jenna had received an epidural so she was crusin’.  And at 1:04 AM, after only about 25 minutes of pushing, and 10 months of waiting, we finally got to meet our boy!

It’s a beautiful day!  Smile…we all have no reason not to!




  1. What a PRECIOUS little one. Congratulations to the both of you!

  2. Unbelievable! CONGRATS YOU TWO!!

  3. Congratulations on a beautiful and healthy baby boy! May God continue to bless you richly for many years to come.

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